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Best Ever Lists

100 Greatest Albums of All Time

From ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ to ‘The Doors’ make it to the ROLLING STONE list

Sep 29, 2012
Rolling Stone India - Google News

35. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, David Bowie, RCA, 1972

This album documents one of the most elaborate self-mythologizing schemes in rock, as David Bowie created the glittery, messianic alter ego Ziggy Stardust (“well-hung and snow-white tan”). The glam rock Bowie made with guitarist Mick Ronson on tracks like “Hang on to Yourself” and “Suffragette City” is an irresistible blend of sexy, campy pop and blues power. The anthem “Ziggy Stardust” is one of rock’s earliest, and best, power ballads. “I consider myself responsible for a whole new school of pretensions,”Bowie said at the time. “They know who they are. Don’t you, Elton? Just kidding. No, I’m not.”



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