Anvil’s Sleeper Hit
Influential Canadian band steps back into the spotlight with rock documentary
If Anvil hasn’t yet arrived in a theatre near you, hold tight. The real-life rock doc, which follows the Canadian heavy-metal outfit Anvil on their 30-year-plus quest for respect and mainstream success, is a tear-inducing testament to human perseverance ”“ with plenty of Spinal Tap-type comic relief. In limited release, the film has become a surprise hit in the US. “People connect with us on a real personal level, in a way that surpasses any rock show,” says Anvil guitarist and singer Steve “Lips” Kudlow, who founded the band in 1977 with drummer Robb Reiner. Later this year, Anvil plan to record their 14th LP, Juggernaut of Justice. “We have a manager now, we have a booking agent and we have record deals in a few places,” says Reiner of the band’s post-movie success. “Things have changed.” For Anvil’s upcoming US tour, Lips promises to dust off the props he used in the Eighties ”“ most notably the bondage gear and vibrators. “I have a particular vibrator that’s really cool because it has varying speeds,” says Lips. “I can make it sound like a Harley-Davidson.” Adds Reiner, “This movie has opened doors, but we would have kept rocking anyway. Especially when you have the goods, like we do.”