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Cosmic Infusion Launch Debut EP

The Mumbai black metal band regrouped in 2012 after a five-year break

Jul 25, 2013
Rolling Stone India - Google News
Cosmic Infusion.

Cosmic Infusion.

How many black metal bands are on Pinterest? Better yet, how many of them have a mob of fans waiting outside after their set, chanting “Cosmic! Cosmic! Cosmic!” as they step out? That’s exactly the kind of reception Mumbai black metal band Cosmic Infusion got when they launched their self-titled EP, Cosmic Infusion, at Blue Frog, Mumbai on July 21st.

The five-track EP is the first release by Cosmic Infusion, who formed in 2003 and dissolved in 2007, only to get together again in early 2012. Says keyboardist and vocalist Sushan Shetty, “It wasn’t a break up [in 2007], it was just a gradual disintegration. Our vocalist Chetan had to go back to Sangli because he had family commitments. A lot of people were still calling us for gigs after he left, but we had to back out.”

After eight months, of trying to keep the band together, Shetty gave up, and concentrated on his efforts as keyboardist with his other band Infernal Wrath also from Mumbai, who launched their full-length album, Inside of Me, in 2009. Shetty got a high-powered job as a computer programmer [which he still finds alluring], but decided to quit in 2011 and called on founding member and guitarist Amnish Lohire to bring back Cosmic Infusion. Cosmic Infusion’s latest lineup includes Shetty, Lohire, t drummer Nandan Maisheri, bassist Amey Chautray and guitarist Nakul Rathod.

Starting up again was exciting but tedious according to Shetty, because it involved eaching new members all of their music, from the epic black metal track “The Journey” to the symphony-filled “Gothika.” Shetty admits it’s not exactly black metal, but most influenced by the genre. “There’s a big spectrum, we don’t hold anything back,” says Shetty. The band recorded their new EP between April and May this year with producer Nikhil Singh, hiring and borrowing mics to ensure that the production value (that includes live drums from Maisheri) made the cut. At their EP launch gig, the band performed with a drum track triggered from a laptop since Maisheri was taken ill with malaria. Says Shetty, “But even then, the sound was pretty huge, because we had recorded the drums live.” Heavy metal band Albatross’s bassist Riju Dasgupta aka Dr. Hex and Frank Pawar, former bassist of thrash metallers Devoid were guests on stage, performing bass and vocals with Cosmic Infusion, respectively.

Following their EP launch, Cosmic Infusion is hoping to book gigs in Hyderabad, Guwahati and Bengaluru. Says Shetty, “We played in Ahmedabad [in April] and traveled all the way there during our recording sessions. Strangely in a place like that, it was a good show with a lot of people.” 

Listen to a teaser from the EP here. Buy Cosmic Infusion EP on Transcending Obscurity.


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