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Films & TV Reviews

Jonah Hex

[One star]
Josh Brolin, Megan Fox
Directed by Jimmy Hayward

Jul 10, 2010
Rolling Stone India - Google News

It must have been hard labour for Josh Brolin to get in the makeup chair for hours to capture the disfigured look of DC Comics anti-hero Jonah Hex. Due respect to the talented Brolin, it’s much harder to sit in a theatre and watch this crapfest. Director Jimmy Hayward fails to establish a viable reason for this movie to exist. Jonah is a Civil War vet out for vengeance against Quentin Turnbull (yes, even the great John Malkovich can make wrongheaded job choices), the baddie who scarred Jonah’s face after killing his wife and son. Quentin says Jonah did the same to his family. And on the whining goes, with Megan Fox peeking in as a whore with the traditional heart of semiprecious metal. Otherwise, Jonah is fated to ride alone. Don’t make the mistake of keeping him company.

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