Radiohead Lend Song to ‘Homeless Polar Bear in London’
‘Everything In Its Right Place’ soundtracks poignant new spot
Radiohead have partnered with Greenpeace for a poignant new ad that shows a homeless polar bear wandering around London, set to the fittingly unfitting soundtrack of “Everything In Its Right Place” from the Oxford band’s beloved album Kid A. With narration from Jude Law, the clip is being used to help raise awareness about oil companies looking to drill in the Arctic, a landscape already decimated by global warming.
“We have to stop the oil giants pushing into the Arctic,” said Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke on the Greenpeace website. “An oil spill in the Arctic would devastate this region of breathtaking beauty, while burning that oil will only add to the biggest problem we all face, climate change. That’s why I’m backing this campaign.”