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Ray Davies Wants the Kinks to Reform

With both Davies brothers seemingly on board, a reunion could be imminent

Apr 12, 2011
Rolling Stone India - Google News

By all logic The Kinks should be on the verge of a reunion. “I’m seeing Dave next week,” Ray Davies tells Rolling Stone in a new interview. “I hear that Dave is saying stuff in the press like, ‘I’ll do it, but Ray doesn’t want to do it.’ This is me saying, ‘Ray will do it if Dave does it.'”

With both Davies brothers on board a reunion should be imminent, but Kinks fans have been teased like this for the 15 years and it never seems to happen. They came close to reuniting with the original line-up in the early 2000s, but that was derailed when bassist Peter Quaife started to develop severe kidney problems. “It’s all water under the bridge now,” Dave Davies told Rolling Stone shortly after Quaife died in June of 2010. “There was talk of doing weekends in New York with the four of us, but now we shall never know.”

The Davies brothers were contemplating a tour without Quaife around the time that Dave Davies was sidelined by a stroke in the summer of 2004. “Our plans always weave in and out of peoples’ health trauma,” said Dave Davies, who added that he’s fully recovered from his stroke. “A reunion is possible. There’s nothing in the pipeline yet, but…we’ll see. It’s possible.”


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