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Hear Sukhnidh’s Atmospheric Debut Single ‘One Woman Band’

The Mumbai/New Delhi artist addresses running away from commitment on the fresh track

Apr 24, 2023
Rolling Stone India - Google News

Mumbai/New Delhi, singer-songwriter Sukhnidh. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Growing up between Mumbai and New Delhi, singer-songwriter Sukhnidh Kaur – who goes by her first name – felt disillusioned and unsure of what to do with her feelings. However, when she sat at the piano, things made sense. She says, “I could shut out a world that felt fundamentally hostile, and submit completely to the intoxicating experience of creating something beautiful where there once was nothing.” Songwriting would turn into a tool for Sukhnidh to express her feelings. Now, she’s out with her debut single, the lush pop-ballad “One Woman Band.”

Sukhnidh recalls that she penned the new song on a hot summer in Mumbai while reflecting on her “mortal fear of rejection.” The artist adds, “I had been staying up night after night writing music, telling myself that I don’t really want anyone to listen to my songs. I claimed I simply write for myself, but the truth behind this comfortable farce was that I was terrified of people hating something I created or rejecting the one thing that makes the world make sense to me.”

It was around this time that Sukhnidh also isolated herself from social interaction. “I felt I wasn’t good, smart, pretty, or fun enough to justify imposing my presence on other people,” she says. The singer soon grew tired of this feeling and decided to muster the courage to be seen, heard and loved. Sukhnidh adds, “[I thought] I might want this despite the terror of opening myself up for scrutiny.”

Mumbai producer Rishi Thakker aka Dropped Out co-produced “One Woman Band” with Sukhnidh. The pair built the track with calming soundscapes that include cello parts, ambient electric guitars as well as an airy beat. Sukhnidh on her part delivers an emotional vocal performance that is backed by rich layers of harmonies. “Dropped Out is a collaborator you want on your side. I’ve learned a lot from him,” says the singer.

Next, Sukhnidh plans to spend more time working on new music and keep releasing singles. She says, “It’s scary, but all the great things are, right?”

Stream “One Woman Band” on Spotify below and on Apple Music.


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