Rajasthani artists including Bhutta Khan join composer-producer Parth Parekh, with the entire eight-song project curated by Achint Thakkar and Parth…
The Gujarati singer teamed up with ‘Khalasi’ collaborators like Achint, Aditya Gadhvi and Saumya Joshi, plus composer Nirmit Shah
The Mumbai-based guitarist-producer infused his own voice as a fusion artist for the crime/drama biopic
The Mumbai composer-guitarist on finding his “moment of clarity” with vocalists Bhutta Khan and Multan Khan
The first edition of the new gig series will be held on May 3rd at Mumbai’s Antisocial, Khar
With a diverse lineup and stand-out performances, Bengaluru found out exactly why the crowdfunded gig series has been a hit…
Chennai rockers Skrat, post-rock band Aswekeepsearching, Delhi gypsy/psych rockers Peter Cat Recording Co. and more are part of the ninth…
Get your dose of fusion/world music, psychedelic rock band and dubstep at the monthly gig series Ribbit
Achint Thakkar is also working on a full-length album, due by the end of the year