Award-winning UK-based sound engineer Andy Munro shares studio notes from his time spent with some of the world’s most famous…
Electro rock group The F16s will perform in Mumbai this week
Nikhil Kaul aka Frame/Frame’s debut EP ‘Swimmers’ to be released at Blue Frog, Delhi tonight
Mumbai-based reggae drum ‘n bass band delivers a near flawless set
The alternative metal band will perform at the Blue Frog metal night this weekend
The launch gig for Cosmic Infusion's debut EP also featured monster sets by Providence and Zygnema
The music venue will open up its third club in the country in Yerawada and also plans to host shows…
The Delhi black metal band, who are also nominated in six categories at RSMA, will play their third Mumbai gig
Second edition of Delhi music and arts festival kicks off at Blue Frog