Zendaya, Finneas, Johnny Marr, Pharrell Williams, and more will also feature in the upcoming movie
Taylor Swift was the most-streamed artist on the platform in 2024 for the second year in a row
With stars like Lorde, Billie Eilish, and Ariana Grande on board, her new remix LP is a kick-ass party record in its own right
His second solo album, For Cryin' Out Loud, is the solid work of a versatile popcraft guy
Sets took place in Los Angeles and Paris for the handoff to LA28
"Charli likes boys but she knows I'd hit it," sings Eilish on the sexy song
To cut down on the waste and pollution of manufacturing records, both artists embraced methods that stress sustainability and use recycled materials
In a conversation for Interview Magazine, Eilish and Lana Del Rey discuss the intricacies of falling in and out of love
Huge blockbusters, breakout debuts, left-field gems, and much more