The significance of this milestone extends beyond simply filling over 54,000 stadium seats
The duo share the lessons they’ve learned from adapting their ‘High School’ memoir into an upcoming TV show and working…
The Native American-origin duo and Indian-origin producer team up for a resounding showcase of solidarity
Breezy acoustic pop we’ve been waiting for so long
Intimate video features metal legends rehearsing and meeting fans before concert at Quebec City's new Videotron Centre
Canada-based Indian jazz singer Rehan Dalal, slated to perform at NH7 Weekender this year, will trade his signature mellow style…
"I performed in front of 20,000 people on the biggest stage in Toronto," says Bono impersonator Gabriel Pate. "How do…
Mumbai-bred Toronto-based techie worked the Motown sound for his crowdfunded, relationship album
Clip from 2009 show taken from 'Quebec Magnetic' concert film due to release on December 11th
The Canadian pop punk band’s vocalist Pierre Bouvier talks about old and young punk rock fans, and playing in India…