If this year’s lineup of films is anything to go by, one thing the New York Film Festival will continue to do is throw up the tough questions, while remaining a haven for filmmakers who ...
From being jailed for listening to jazz to recovering from an illness and excelling at the genre and more
How BTS helped me understand my depression
The arts, and in this specific case music is what defines us as a civilization
Making mistakes while hurtling through time can have consequences both hilarious and terrifying
Creative chameleons have been around for centuries. From Shakespeare to Satyajit Ray, fluidity has defined the ‘greats’ while being the exception to the rule.
Podcasting is to audio what You Tube has been to video; making it inexpensive, democratic, accessible.
Building micro communities, encouraging a culture of mentorship by senior musicians and turning small jam rooms into performance venues are just some of the ways to help the music ‘scene’ in India