dizzy gillespie

Jazz Corner: The Charm Of Latin Jazz

Jazz Corner: The Charm Of Latin Jazz

From Mario Bauza’s ‘Tanga’ to Joao Gilberto and Dizzy Gillespie

October 29, 2024

Jazz Corner: My Near Trysts with Jazz, Three Near Presidents… And an Actual One!

This account involves a jazz trumpet player, a saxophonist, a jazz legend and a used car. We think it is…

December 21, 2020

Al Jarreau: The Passing of a One-Off Musician

Jarreau evolved a style very much his own and specialized in singing the fast but wordless sounds of bebop jazz,…

February 17, 2017

Tribute: Benny Soans – The Man, The Music

Mumbai drummer Benoni Asher Soans's sense of timing was so immaculate that even in his passing, he made a clean,…

January 11, 2017

Jazz Corner: What Is ‘Real Jazz’? Part II

Maybe not all we hear is jazz, so how do we know for sure?

July 27, 2016