The fate of the Seven Kingdoms — and the Iron Throne itself — is revealed in a bittersweet goodbye episode
In the streaming era, record companies are cashing in anew on old hits — and getting more creative about how to do it
Alan Sepinwall on what Varys and Tyrion’s big talk reveals about the show’s finale — and why it’s a problem
Collaborative track appears on series’ all-star companion album For the Throne
The Dothraki crossed the poisoned water of the Narrow sea for this?
The series gives us the showdown we’ve been waiting for — and leaves us with a half-masterpiece and a serious “what happens next?” problem
Supercharged with emotion, one last night in Winterfell gives us the show at its best
Who’s formed alliances, who’s fighting and where is that zombie ice dragon going? Your complete refresher guide for Season 8
Just as the final season of the fantasy series commences, we look back at the goosebumps inducing music behind some of the best moments
Get ready for season eight by watching Emilia Clarke ride a fake dragon