Farewell to a clunky but world-shattering icon
Breezy acoustic pop we’ve been waiting for so long
As we place a premium on whittling our books and records into the smallest space, our greatest cultural signifiers live on iTunes folders, Kindles and flash drives.
CEO Tim Cook touts "the next chapter in music": A streaming service boasting entire iTunes library, music videos, a 24/7 radio station and way to "connect" with artists
In his only pre-release interview, Bono takes us inside the story of the band's 13th album, which was released today for free on iTunes
Hour-long Coldplay TV special will air on NBC before album's release
Music, short films, visual art, adventure sports and maybe even a music app a la Shazam to track Indian music – all this and more on Pepsi MTV Indies that kicks off this month
Two tracks from the multi-instrumentalist, songwriter’s debut solo album, 'What Colour Is Your Raindrop,' make it to SOLD, directed by Academy award-winning director Jeffrey Brown
Over 20 million tracks available to buy including music by Indian bands such as Indian Ocean, Papon, Swarathma, Sky Rabbit and Demonic Resurrection
Rockers relent and make music available through digital store