In the upcoming superhero K-drama, Park plays an evil character who breaks out of hell eons later to throw things into chaos, wreaking havoc on Earth
An epic saga of fatal attractions and consequences, the drama is supposed to be an adaptation of the 2003 Korean blockbuster movie ‘Untold Scandal’
Features the upcoming ‘Twelve,’ ‘Cashero,’ and ‘The Wonder Fools’ with the Korean stars in exciting new roles
Ji Chang-wook plays Andy in the film, the bad guy, and he plays the dark side with much style and presence—a reckless charm you cannot deny
The drama includes political intrigue, parental abuse, despair, dread, retaliation, and romance, all intricately woven together
Ji Chang-wook has new dramas for us this year, reiterating his signature good looks and acting skills in more intriguing roles
‘The Worst of Evil’ Stars get candid about their roles in the crime action thriller noir drama, sharing special anecdotes
In the teaser trailer for the soon-to-be-released action crime drama, Ji's Joon-mo gets his hands dirty to foil a crime
In action scenes of any kind—gun-toting shots, frantic chase sequences, clandestine operations, stunts, and duels—Ji gets hearts racing