The app announced it was "in the process of restoring service" on Sunday
The committee is returning after a five-year hiatus, when the board disbanded during the Trump administration
The group took a moment during the conference to speak on the pressing concern of rising anti-Asian hate crimes, Asian inclusion, and diversity
President announces additional economic sanctions, NATO support, but assures U.S. won’t be sending troops to Ukraine
Ukraine’s president made a last-minute plea for peace, but on Thursday, Ukrainians woke up to war
“We still believe that Russia is poised to go much further and launch a massive military attack against Ukraine,” the president said on Tuesday
The Trump mob’s siege on the Capitol was white supremacy in full, a violent assertion that only they are fit to select a president
In a race that saw the highest turnout in more than a century, Biden has ousted Trump from the White House
“I’m telling you, this could be a problem,” election forecaster Rachel Bitecofer said
"'The Wall' is asking the question, 'Do you want a voice? And if you do, you better bloody well go out and get it,'" says Pink Floyd co-founder