
Zarir Warden Wonders ‘What’s Going On’ With Debut Solo Release

Zarir Warden Wonders ‘What’s Going On’ With Debut Solo Release

The frontman of Mumbai rock band ONEmpire has two more tracks in the works, as part of an album project

September 11, 2020

Hear ONEmpire’s Emphatic New Song ‘Run To You’

Frontman Zarir Warden talks about the second release off their upcoming EP ‘Humanity’ and songs that saved his life

November 2, 2018

Concert Review: OneRepublic’s India Debut Was a Mixed Bag

The American pop-rockers’ Mumbai show would have been flawless with a more streamlined set list

April 23, 2018

How ONEmpire Moved On From Being The Other People

Watch the Mumbai rock band’s feel-good video for ‘Shine a Light,’ off their upcoming EP ‘Humanity’

December 8, 2017