The Bengaluru-based guitarist-composer and vocalist teams up with singer Keya Pothen and rapper Kartikay for the latest drop from the album 'Future'
The Chennai fusion artist takes a new turn with help from vocalist-producer Native Indian for the first track off his lockdown-born album ‘Future’
The Bengaluru-based composer, producer and guitarist talks about how his latest creation was born out of an “Indian orchestral section” of flute, nadaswaram and thavil
The musician talks about his upcoming music school and jam pad in Bengaluru
Guitarist Sanjeev Thomas weighs in on the new Iret Pedals
The Mumbai electro rock band won Best Band and Best Album while alt rock artist Sanjeev Thomas and Delhi jazz fusion band Adil & Vasundhara each took home two awards
Four bands, who are also top nominees, will perform on February 21st in Mumbai
Papaya Café’s Under The Tree and Springr Studio are the newest additions to the city’s performance space