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Albums Reviews

Tenacious D – Rize of the Fenix

Jack Black’s comedy duo reappear, stale jokes in hand

Jun 07, 2012
Rolling Stone India - Google News

The first full-length album in six years from Jack Black and Kyle Gass’ comedy-cock-rock duo is chock-full of swaggering pomposity. But too many of its gags sound like they’re from the Pick of Destiny days; perhaps all the dick jokes here are  meant to distract you from the mold growing on some of the other gags. “Rock Is Dead” is a rollicking caricature of dudes who won’t stop lionizing the past, but the gloppy stagehand rant “Roadie,” the noxious ode to a middle-aged woman “39” and the barely parodic “Throw Down” are so bombastic you wonder if Black and Gass have fi nally turned into the overblown wanksters they parody.


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