5 ‘Black Mirror’ Episodes That Foresaw The Future

Film & TV

Netflix recently dropped the trailer for Season 6 of Black Mirror. The show which is described as this generation’s Twilight Zone, has given us some jaw-dropping episodes over the last few years, with some of them eerily foretelling of the events and technological advancements that we see today. Here are five such episodes where ‘Black Mirror’, sort of, predicted the future.

Photo: Netflix

The Waldo Moment (S2, E3)

You don’t need to look further than the recent list of global politician to see the events of ‘The Waldo Moment’ being reflected in real life. The episode starts with an interesting premise, asking us the question: ‘What would happen if a cartoon character got into politics?” The answer to this is less Loony Tunes and more of an Aaron Sorkin political drama. 

Photo: Netflix

Shut Up and Dance (S3, E3)

An episode that seems to deal with the dark side of the internet — where a 19-year old is hacked and blackmailed into doing unsavoury things — devolves into something a lot more sinister. But before the shocking twist at the end, we are made to feel bad about Kenny, the protagonist, who seems to be the victim of a “webcam blackmail” hack. 

Photo: Netflix

The National Anthem (S1, E1)

The episode starts with a member of the British Royal Family being kidnapped by terrorists whose only demand is that the Prime Minister has sex with a pig on live television. While we’re happy to report that no member of the Royal Family was harmed by terrorists, the episode eerily predicted the David Cameron Piggate scandal quite accurately.

Photo: Netflix

Metalhead (S4, E5)

While we might be a good amount of years away from the Skynet being reality, Black Mirror’s ‘Metalhead’ gave us a glimpse of what it might look like if we don’t have Arnie to save the day. Considered to be one of the scariest episodes in the series, ‘Metalhead’ follows Bella who’s on the run from a relentless robotic…dog, and it’s not the cute kind. This one can tear through walls, jump great distances and give T-1000 a run for his money. 

Photo: Netflix

Nosedive (S3, E1)

Considered to be perhaps the best episode of the series, Nosedive features Bryce Dallas Howard as Lacie navigating a world which is operated on social validation. As the episode progress, Lacie starts receiving fewer and fewer likes which leads to a complete deterioration of her mental health. 

Photo: Netflix

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