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Albums Reviews


Slice of Heaven
[Three stars]
APH Records

Mar 11, 2011
Rolling Stone India - Google News

Nagaland-based Abiogenesis’ third studio offering spreads itself across a wide spectrum of genres, among them pop, rock and Naga folk. In doing so, it feels as though it consists of two fused components. The first contains tracks like ”˜Love Me Now’, with its alt-rock tinged guitars, and ”˜Mesmerized’, a tour-de-force of Ninties-reminiscent Indie grooves; these kind of tracks represent Abiogenesis’ rock-psyche attack on the senses. Meanwhile, nuzzling tidily amongst the album’s more thought-out moments are Slice of Heaven’s more laid-back fusion offerings; tracks like the instrumental ”˜Riverside,’ which sizzle with a heady atmosphere but lack the punch of the CD’s rockier moments, providing instead erratic breaks from the action. ”˜Oja’s Love,’ with the bamhum ”“ a wind instrument invented by guitarist Moa Subong ”“ providing a suitable backdrop to vocalist Arenla Subong’s Alanis Morissette-esque delivery, is the best of the bunch. ”˜Community at Work’ is also a standout here, where the band seems to have found complete harmony in their experimentation.

Abiogenesis has plenty of tools in their box, and their music finds them in places unvisited by their contemporaries. And while most of the songs on this 40-minute release sound better live than on tape Abiogenesis manages to impress for the most part with this self-produced independent release. Though this album’s twofold character won’t appeal to all in equivalent measure, it’s nonetheless a CD etched with solid grooves and lot of heart.

Key Tracks: ”˜Mesmerized,’ ”˜Love Me Now’

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