Alcohol OD Killed Amy Winehouse: Report
Alcohol OD killed Amy Winehouse
A UK coroner, yesterday, submitted an official toxicology report on the death of 27-year-old soul star Amy Winehouse, ruling that the singer died from excessive alcohol consumption.
Coroner Suzanne Greenaway issued a verdict of death by misadventure according to AP, stating that Winehouse died in London on July 23 as a result of “intentionally choosing to drink alcohol, no matter the risks. Winehouse’s blood alcohol content at the time of her death was more than five times above the legal drunk-driving level,” the report read according to AP. Based on investigations conducted by the police, Winehouse’s physician, Dr. Christina Romete, informed that the singer had abstained from alcohol for a period of time, but taken up drinking again in the days before her death. A detective stated empty Vodka bottles were recovered from her bedroom.
As earlier reported in RS, Winehouse’s parents had revealed that toxicology tests indicated there were no illegal drugs in the singer’s system at the time of her death and were waiting for the final report on October 26.