Indigo Children’s Powerhouse Performance
Delhi band Indigo Children proved at their recent performance at Blue Frog, that brilliance only needs a fitting platform to shine
Indigo Children, March 25th, Blue Frog, Delhi: Fresh from their debacle at Lucknow University a few weeks ago (where the band had some trouble working an audience, which was clearly unfamiliar with their music, and were forced to stop the gig mid-way), Indigo Children proved at the Blue Frog in Delhi, that brilliance (or well almost), howsoever erratic, only needs a fitting platform to shine.
Starting on a mellow note, the Delhi band picked up as if someone put them on nitrous boost, when they got to their essential “Sing to Me.” The track, with its punch-laden intro on the drums and bass guitar dropping off into a mid tempo right before the immensely infectious chorus, had fans singing in unison. After that, they kept building layer upon layer of sound with “Triangulation,” “High Priestess” and “Alien Beauty,” the collective effect of which was to instill energy in a jovial balding member of the audience to get on stage in a drunk reverie to congratulate the band and ask them to introduce themselves.
Sanchal Malhar, in his taciturn manner, told the audience that he had not paid the man for that antic. The band closed the set with “Jesus was a Mushroom” followed by a medley featuring The Doors classic “Light My Fire” covered in their signature style of expansive solos and crunchy bass lines. Too bad there were just about 30 people in the venue then. Blame it on Navratras (a nine-day period when some abstain from alcohol and certain kinds of food and pubs usually see low attendance) or impending Monday morning blues, this was a gig that should not have been missed.
Key tracks: “Sing To Me,” Â “Jesus was a Mushroom.”