In the video, the dire circumstances surrounding an animated, colorful family’s plight are mirrored in the songs sound and lyrics. Cowritten by Brian Eno and co-produced by Eno and Markus Dravs, the song’s pulsating rhythms emulate the racing heartbeat that might accompany searching for safety in a bleak world. In the Diane Martel and Ben Jones-directed clip, the family runs from explosions on the ground and foreboding creatures above.
“We were just about to lose our home/ Diamonds ate the radio,” Chris Martin sings, narrating the subjects’ escape from peril. “Moving in the dead of night.”
Soon, the family’s escape spaceship loses its bearings. As with Coldplay’s recently unveiled “All I Can Think About is You,” which addresses grievous world issues before a bright turn, “Aliens” also offers hope, both in lyric (“If you want to/ Hold me, hold me tight”) and when the family looks over a precipice to see a promising city below as orchestral swells build. “Oh, we just want to get home again,” Martin sings.
Both songs hail from Coldplay’s forthcoming Kaleidoscope EP, which can be downloaded and streamed on July 14th, with a CD and vinyl release to follow on August 4th.