Based on the comic book series by Brain K. Vaughan, ‘Paper Girls’ is created by Stephany Folsom and stars Ali Wong, Adina Porter and others
As Amazon Prime Video’s survivalist drama returned for a second act on May 6th, here are songs that’ll immerse you in the world of ‘The Wilds’
Toeing the line between sensationalism and substance, this legal drama emerges as a riveting watch despite a contentious purview
The upcoming series delves into Hindu mythological realms as a reference point for crime and justice in the modern-day
Upcoming series explores the lives of lawyers navigating a broken legal system
The series about a Mumbai cop and terminal patient on a mission succumbs to a ton of subplots despite a solid premise
From one murderous comedian to a girl gang comeback and more, there’s plenty to binge-watch this weekend
The comedy-drama is chock-full of eccentric characters and there’s rarely a dull moment in the eight-episode series
All the recent offerings from the world of streaming you shouldn't miss