The Mumbai show on November 14th will feature Prabh Deep, Swadesi + Bandish Projekt, Dopeadelicz, Khasi Bloodz and more
The multi-platform property comprises a hip-hop podcast and video series, masterclasses and pan-India shows
The crew were on the same bill as Mumbai's Swadesi, producer Bandish Projekt and more at Foxtrot Gastropub
The Mumbai hip-hop crew and electronic music veteran unveil their second collaborative record ‘Khulle Naagde’
The multi-instrumentalist brings together electronic music, intriguing voice samples and more on the 16-track ‘Google Maps for Lovers’
The latest edition of the crowdfunded gig series ran into a slight disruption but emerged triumphant in their multi-genre independent showcase
The Mumbai crew are using Warli tribal-inspired hip-hop music to save the world’s only natural urban jungle and its indigenous tribal populace from a controversial project
The four-track EP was born out of Mumbai event agency 4/4 Entertainment’s gig series The Clash
The Mumbai metallers promise a “fast, loud, thunderous and fuckin' pissed off” last show tonight
The first edition of the cross-genre monthly gig series will feature performances by metal outfit Providence, post-rock band Space Behind The Yellow Room, hip-hop crew Swadesi and more