Various Artists
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Original Soundtrack
[Two and a half stars]
In this adaptation of an indie comic, Michael Cera plays bass in the hapless garage band Sex Bob-Omb when he’s not battling his love interest’s “evil exes.” For the soundtrack, Beck phoned in a few slacker-punk novelties for the cast members to deadpan (including the noisy, gleeful ”˜We Are SEX BOB-OMB’), as did Broken Social Scene for Sex Bob-Omb’s rivals Crash and the Boys. But the charm of those songs fades outside the film, leaving the Nigel Godrich-produced soundtrack to get over on a lush new Beck song, ”˜Ramona,’ and some real garage rock, notably Plumtree’s Nineties nugget ”˜Scott Pilgrim,’ which proves naif enthusiasm doesn’t need irony to be cute.
Key Tracks: ”˜Scott Pilgrim,’ ”˜Under My Thumb’