The show is set to feature performances by rockers Punk On Toast, Insignia, Corner Café Chronicles and Five of Castles
The annual compilation of indie music by Mumbai label Ennui.BOMB features acts like ViceVersa, Ferry Tales and more; to be launched at a gig tonight
The second edition of the indie and punk festival shifts base from Goa to Bengaluru; to feature Thai band Yellow Fang and Malaysian punk act An Honest Mistake
The young band channels early punk and a hint of grunge on the eight-track release
The multi-artist compilation by indie label ennui.BOMB offers music by rising indie artists, and it is up for free download
Don't miss Delhi electro rock duo FuzzCulture and upcoming rap/electronica group Subsystem, from Mumbai take stage in Mumbai this week
The fortnightly gig series returns this week after a break of two months, featuring post rock band A Mutual Question, punk rock band Doctor Zebra and electro rock band Killer Fan
The four-member band will play along with Bengaluru-based Space Behind The Yellow Room and Pune/Delhi-based Pinnochio’s Moment of Clarity at The Post Rock Experiment at The Humming Tree
Mumbai-based independent music label Ennui.BOMB hosts a Sunday gig at the suburban venue, Kino 108